January 24, 2012

Mental oh mental..lama2 aku jadi mental kang

Please someone do help me in mental health nursing. Schizophrenia, delusion disorder, hallucination, schizoaffective disorder and panic disorder with agoraphobia.


u see the symptoms here?

Jum cakap pasal Panic disorder with agoraphobia. Panic disorder with agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder in which there are repeated attacks of intense fear and anxiety, and a fear of being in places where escape might be difficult, or where help might not be available. Agoraphobia usually involves fear of crowds, bridges, or of being outside alone. Panic attacks involve short periods of intense anxiety symptoms, which peak within 10 minutes. Panic attack symptoms can include:

Chest pain or discomfort, Choking, Dizziness or faintness, Fear of being out of control, Fear of dying, Fear of "going crazy", Hot flashes or chills, Nausea or other stomach distress, Numbness or tingling, Racing heart, Shortness of breath, Sweating and Trembling.

Agoraphobia is considered to be present when places or situations are being avoided. People with agoraphobia generally do not feel safe in public places. Their fear is worse when the place is crowded. Symptoms of agoraphobia include:

Becoming housebound for prolonged periods of time, Dependence on others, Fear of being alone, Fear of being in places where escape might be difficult, Fear of losing control in a public place, Feelings of detachment or estrangement from others, Feelings of helplessness, Feeling that the body is unreal, Feeling that the environment is unreal and Unusual temper or agitation.

Aku percaya, mesti korang pernah terdengar kan cite kat dada akhbar pasal seorang anak yang menyembelih seluruh ahli keluarganya tanpa perasaan belas kasihan. Anak ini terdengar suara bisikan yang menyuruh dia untuk membunuh semua family members dia. Dia disahkan ada penyakit Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bermaksud ia merupakan salah satu istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan satu penyakit utama psikiatri (atau kelompok gangguan) yang mengubah persepsi, pemikiran seseorang individu, memberi kesan dan tingkah lakunya.

Ok cukuplah aku kene banyak baca buku lepas ni. Terima kasih kerana membaca. Just nak share apa yang saya tahu di sini. Bye! =)


azalia hjsalleh said...

ni subject fav kita =)

delusion disoder tu - sng cite false belief.. ada byk jenis
paranoid - rasa org harm dia
grandiose - dia rasa diri dia hebat
sexual or amorous - dia rasa org tu syg/ suka kat dia

halusination ada second or third halucination..

tu sume general info yg kita leh share.. apa2 boleh share knowledge together

cimon said...

ade tak ubat utk "stress"? huhu (@_@)

farhana said...

wah ni mesti dah byk bce bku mental helath kan? heh
anyway u blaja ms sem bpe psl mntl health ni? =)
i msuk final semester bru nk blaja benda alah ni

farhana said...

cimon nk ubat stress? ada2!!

slalu berdoa dan berzikir pada ALLAH..
bc Al-Fatihah byk2..

Dan senyum slalu brsendirian. hehehe

azalia hjsalleh said...

masa semester 3..
baru je habis bidang psychiatric
skrg nie tgh buat praktikal neuro and medical conditions

psychiatric ni seronok jugak..
lawak tgk pt giler.. kita pun leh jd giler.. haha

Unknown said...

kalo schizo nk bg sedative ke hypnotic?? keh3

farhana said...

azalia - wow da tgom pt gile yer haha okla. prktikal kt mne babe?

farhana said...

ubai pn da blaja ke? ala jumla kte share2. rsenye doktor lg taw jwpnnya. nurse cme ikut arahn doktor haha :p

farhana said...

bgusla physiotherapy ngn doktor da de kt sni. ley shre info pasni =)

Unknown said...

doc baru abes pharmaco..tuh pon drugs2 yg commonly used je..nk share takot salah pulak.. :P

farhana said...

haha smerla kte

azalia hjsalleh said...

i buat kat sg petani kedah