October 20, 2011

The splendid words

Assalamualaikum my dear friends,
hari ini saya nak ber speaking pulak okey..

It's true when life gives you a hundred reason to cry, show life that you have a thousand reason to smile in your own life. Never ever say that you are in a trouble situation, because that will make you think negatively so further you will do the negative plan like crying, gloomy and make your self alone. So my dear friends THINK POSITIVELY! When you think positively, you will plan the positive thing like laughing, smile and talk to your friends. Just ignore what people said about you, because people just easy to said.

So think positive, then plan positive oraitttttt..
Isn't it splendid if we do always happy in our life.

[gambar hiasan] so janganlah jadi sedih macam budak ni, happy selalu okey



cimon said...

apsal rupe adik ko nie moody semacam jek nie? ko tak belikan dia eskrim ke?


syakirahmn said...

seronok hidup kalau sentiasa hepi. tapi hepi sangat sampai lupda diri, agama, adab pon tak manis jugak ;)